Major Accomplishments | Full Resume (pdf)
Karen Ortolano is Owner/Operator of Karen Gomolka Editorial Services, a sole
proprietorship providing freelance writing, editing, and design services
since 1997.
- Nearly 20 years professional writing, editing, and management experience
- More than 350 published articles on a variety of topics, including dental infection control and safety; occupational disease agents; restorative dentistry; periodontal care; regulatory issues; and new technologies
- Extensive experience working with and writing for healthcare communities and industries on the products, procedures, research, and regulatory issues that affect the provision of care in the United States and abroad
- Well versed in describing data management and engineering solutions in proposals and technical specifications
- Hands-on knowledge and expertise in government procurement processes, having produced more than a dozen responses to Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and Requests for Information (RFIs) in less than two year’s time
- More than 2,000 proposal pages delivered on time, on budget, and with the highest technical scores awarded among all bidders
- More than 50 continuing-education-accredited articles for dentists and auxiliaries
- Nearly ten years of experience creating successful promotional materials for small businesses and non-profits
- Other Major Accomplishments
Positions Held
- Media Relations Director for Young At Heart Pet Rescue (current)
- Two years as Proposal Manager for Applus Technologies, Inc.
- Technical Publications Manager during implementation of the Applus Illinois Air Team Vehicle Emissions Testing Program
- Six years as Publications Director for the Organization for Safety and Asepsis Procedures (OSAP)
- Editor/Managing Editor of OSAP's Infection Control In Practice and the OSAP Monthly Focus
- Seven years as co-editor of The OSAP Report
- Four years as Managing Editor of Dental Products Report Europe, an international trade publication with a circulation of more than 50,000 dentists and dental industry members
- More than five years as Associate Editor and author of the monthly "Infection Control Report" in Dental Products Report, the most lucrative trade journal in the dental marketplace
- Two years as Scientific Writer/Editor for the American Dental Association's Council on Scientific Affairs
- Author, editor, creative director, graphic designer, and production supervisor for From Policy to Practice: OSAP's Guide to the
- Contributing Editor to Dental Products Report, the Chicago Dental Society's CDS Review, and Dental Economics
- Copyeditor and layout artist for the American Dental Assistant’s Association’s continuing-education courses
Major Accomplishments | Full Resume (pdf)