"She is gifted writer with an eye for creativity... As Proposal Manager, Karen has helped [us] deliver monstrous proposals… These assignments required a lot of planning, effort and careful analysis on her part. Her co-ordination and content management skills are stellar and she's always managed the proposal process in the most organized and meticulous manner."
Nitin Oberoi, Software Development Manager
"During her staff tenure at Dental Products Report and the American Dental Association, Ms. Gomolka's research, writing, and editorial, talents have ensured that even the novice reader was presented with timely, comprehensive, concise, well-referenced, and easy-to-read articles addressing a spectrum of infection control topics, ranging from highly technical laboratory science to professional guidelines and federal/state regulatory requirements. She has contributed significantly to recent improvements in patient and worker safety in dentistry."
Walter W. Bond, MS,
Deputy Chief, Hospital Environment Laboratory Branch, Hospital Infections Program,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Retired);
President, RCSA (Research Consulting Service Associates), Inc.
"Karen proved her value through her dedication, quick grasp of IT solutions, and ability to produce clear, concise end documents with technical accuracy, high impact, and a single, professional voice. With Karen on the Proposal Team, my workload in such efforts has been reduced from weeks of drafting, reviewing, editing, and rewriting copy to a few hours with Karen discussing approach, forwarding technical specifications, and reviewing her accurate, graphically enhanced draft copy."
Andrew Jones, Director of Technology
"Karen Ortolano is an intelligent, highly qualified writer, editor, and manager with a skill set and level of expertise that would serve any business well. She is a true team player with the demonstrated ability to be extremely productive under pressure and the talent and insight to contribute to both big picture as well as smaller, project-specific company goals."
Richard Fitzherbert, Program Manager
"Karen continues to impress me with her attention to detail, accuracy, and ability to communicate clearly and concisely… The quality and integrity of her journalism is, in my opinion, the best in the business."
Jennifer L. Cleveland, DDS, MPH, Dental Officer/Epidemiologist, Division of Oral Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
"I have known Ms. Gomolka for several years as a result of our mutual participation in conferences and scientific programs in dental infection control and occupational safety. I have consistently found her to exhibit the highest standards of professionalism in all aspects of her work as a journalist. I have been singularly impressed with her ability to quickly grasp complex scientific issues and to subsequently explain those concepts with clarity and economy in her articles… She is a skilled verbal communicator and an accomplished interviewer… She has established a well-deserved reputation as a person of character and integrity."
Shannon E. Mills, DDS, former Chief, USAF Dental Investigation Service
"[Karen Gomolka] has written a number of excellent articles on infection control issues and has frequently consulted with [USAF Dental Investigation Service] staff. Her writing skills are very polished and her ability to grasp complex issues is unparalleled… At all times, she has been the epitome of professionalism."
Col. Thomas J. Plamondon, DDS, Dental Corps, United States Air Force (retired); former Officer in Charge, Professional Services, USAF Dental Investigation Service
"Karen… is able to not only refine content but also strategy and win themes in our bid efforts. Karen has a gift for identifying the sometimes subtle technical differences in our solutions — that is, those differences that set our company apart from competitors. She works closely with me and our other IT subject matter experts to get the content required to frame our company's offerings in the context of each client's needs. She adeptly weaves in win themes, clarifies difficult concepts, and with her strong eye for detail, makes sure our documents are not only readable but 100% compliant."
Andrew Jones, Director of Technology
"I have known Ms. Karen Gomolka professionally as a fellow 'dental infection control educator' since 1993. Karen has been an invaluable source of knowledge to dentists, auxiliary personnel and dental industry members through her literature contributions… Although professionals in the field of infection control have made landmark articles, Karen has made literature easy to understand and applicable in dental practice."
Raghunath Puttaiah, BDS, MPH, Assistant Professor, Department of Diagnostic Science, Baylor College of Dentistry
"With nothing but a photo of a whiteboard containing a scribbled outline, Karen tracked down and organized the information needed to create detailed specifications for the… host computer system, quality assurance technology, inter-agency data exchanges, and computer-based training software. She also supplemented, restructured, and provided valuable content input on the IT department's draft specifications for the program's databases, communication protocols, and web-based reporting applications."
Richard Fitzherbert, Program Manager
"As a practicing dentist and consultant on infection control, I especially appreciate Karen's work… She has the ability to take technical material and make it understandable, readable, and concise. Her articles are accurate, well researched, and provide an excellent resource of information for the dental clinician."
Mary Quinn, DDS, private practitioner; President, Quinn Associates Infection Control Analysis
"Karen's ability to research, distill, synthesize, and report on complex microbiological and materials science issues for an audience of dental practitioners (whose hard science education typically ended after the first year of dental school) is truly outstanding… Karen's exceptional efforts have earned her numerous accolades from dental scientific, academic, and research circles. Her work has been cited in textbooks, 'how-to' manuals, and articles submitted to and published by 'refereed' journals."
Teri Reis-Schmidt, President, A-Team Communications; former Editor of Dental Products Report, Dental Products Report Europe, and Dental Lab Products
"Karen's ability to grasp and communicate scientific principles and ideas is truly outstanding. She has the ability to rapidly identify the key scientific points to be conveyed and has the enviable capacity, as an accomplished writer/editor, to communicate these points clearly and concisely through the written word."
Brian G. Shearer, PhD, former Director, Scientific Information and Policy, American Dental Association; former Owner/Manager, Tavern33
"Karen is accustomed to working with technical contributors to create more thorough and compliant documents. She does this with a tremendous amount of ease and can absorb new material easily. The overall quality and style of the [our] proposals has improved dramatically since the day Karen joined our company… Karen [also] did a fantastic job [creating] one of the most detailed software specifications ever used in our company. Without her contribution to this project, we would probably not have such a complete set of documents to define our systems."
Nitin Oberoi, Software Development Manager
*The statements contained on this page represent only the opinions of the quoted individuals. They are not to be construed as official endorsements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States Air Force, or any university, company, or organization affiliated with the individuals cited on this page.