Bio/Resume | Full Resume (pdf)
Served as author, editor, designer, art director, and pre-press print-production supervisor for the 170-page, continuing-education (CE)-accredited instructional workbook funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (Download a sample chapter in PDF format.) Wrote, designed, and developed the information architecture for a microsite to promote the book within the client's website.
Authored, gathered graphics, designed, and developed the internal pages of an eight-page trainer’s guide to complement the “If Saliva Were Red” dental infection control video training system. Wrote, designed, and developed the information architecture for a microsite to promote the product within the client’s website. Edited and compiled a sample of the client-produced video for web viewing.
Developed the framework, ghostwrote, edited, and designed 16 issues of the eight-page, CE-accredited newsletter, which provides practical advice and instruction to dental workers for keeping patients and providers safe, complying with governmental recommendations and regulations, and encouraging worker compliance with recommended procedures.
Researched, selected content for, wrote, and designed 15 issues of the quarterly eight- to 12-page newsletter summarizing infection control and safety news, relevant literature in the medical and dental press, and agency and association activities for the client’s membership of dental workers, educators, researchers, and policymakers. Redesigned the newsletter in 2003 for a more contemporary look that complements other client products.
Rewrote the expert-prepared text for style, flow, and readability, contributed content, and designed the 58-page booklet advising humanitarian aid workers on infection control precautions when working in nontraditional settings. Wrote, designed, and developed the information architecture for a microsite to promote the book.
Edited the content, acquired appropriate graphics, and designed the CDC-supported foldout brochure and provided text and graphics for an accompanying web-based educational resource.
Developed, wrote, and art-directed a four-page, client-commissioned educational newsletter that encourages infection control and safety in the dental office while promoting the company’s products.
Wrote and developed the information architecture for web-based overviews on biofilm and dental unit waterlines, hepatitis C, needle and sharps safety, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and the dental office, and smallpox, bioterrorism, and dentistry.
Concepted, wrote, designed, and provided the information architecture as well as the majority of photographs to recap and promote client-sponsored annual meetings.
Produced more than 2,000 pages in response to over a dozen Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and Requests for Information (RFIs) for vehicle emissions testing and data management services. Wrote, edited, evaluated, and structured technical copy to consistently receive the highest scores, including a winning proposal to New York State Department of Motor Vehicles and the Bid Clarification and Best and Final Offer that helped win the $77M Illinois Environmental Protection Agency contract. Responses ranged in size from 60 to 676 pages. All were delivered on time and on budget.
In less than four months, developed more than a dozen contract-required information technology and operations documents for the Illinois Vehicle Emissions Testing Program. Information technology deliverables included System Requirements Specifications on the newly developed host computer system, data management and communication protocols, quality assurance software, computer-based training systems, custom web-based reporting modules, and interagency data exchanges. Operations-based documentation comprised numerous management, quality assurance/control, and human resources plans and manuals.
Developed copy for websites for dental practices across the country, created patient-education and practice-promotion brochures and postcards for clinicians, and developed an eight-page booklet to promote a network of prestigious healthcare-worker consultants.
Bio/Resume | Full Resume (pdf)